Tunneling excursion with students from HTWK Leipzig
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Tunneling excursion with students from HTWK Leipzig
Together with students of the HTWK Leipzig – University of Applied Sciences Leipzig, we visited the tunnel construction project “Kramertunnel” in Garmisch-Partenkirchen last Thursday as part of the civil engineering course.
The aim was to provide an insight into the world of civil engineering and thus to deepen the already acquired theoretical knowledge by means of a practical example. In particular, seeing and touching things that are otherwise only discussed theoretically, walking through and inspecting a tunnel tube strengthen the basic theoretical knowledge.
With the support of our managing director Dr.-Ing. habil Jörg Schmidt, our division manager Dipl.-Ing. Marko Orgass from the “Materials and Building Physics” division, and the Weilheim State Building Authority, the special features of this tunnel construction were explained and discussed together with you in order to sharpen your feeling for your own designs.
It was only through this exchange between students and engineers with practical experience that solutions for a wide variety of problems could be discussed – far beyond previous knowledge.
Review of the 4th Leipzig Facade Day on 20 September 2022
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Review of the 4th Leipzig Facade Day on 20 September 2022
Already for the 4th time, the Leipzig Facade Day took place at the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK) on September 20, 2022. As in previous years, the Leipzig Façade Day was jointly organized by the HTWK and MFPA Leipzig GmbH. Special thanks go to the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt), the S&P Group and IFBT GmbH for their dedicated participation.
At the accompanying trade exhibition, 20 exhibitors presented the latest trends and systems in the field.
Also this year the feedback was very high and the event was fully booked. The interesting and in part highly topical lectures by the speakers are an expression of the Leipzig Façade Day’s aspirations and ensured a very good response from the audience.
All in all, it was a very successful day for the professional audience and the accompanying exhibition.
The organizers are already looking forward to a lively participation at the next Leipzig Facade Day in 2024.

Timber construction - a new working group of MFPA Leipzig GmbH
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Timber construction - a new working group of MFPA Leipzig GmbH
The will to build structures from wood and other renewable and sustainable raw materials in the future is not only being felt politically, but also by many people. At the same time
many requirements are placed on modern buildings. These are to be considered from the planned use just as the building-legal and/or legal requirements regarding stability, traffic security, fire protection, heat, sound and vibration protection as well as protection against harmful influences by water, humidity, vegetable and animal pests or other chemical, physical or biological impairments.
In order to be able to make better use of our many years of experience in many areas of timber construction for our customers due to the increased demand and to develop solutions and verifications for these requirements together with the manufacturers/builders of the structures, the new working group “Timber Construction” at MFPA Leipzig GmbH will start its work on 01.01.2022. In this way, we would like to visibly demonstrate to the outside world that we, as a future-oriented company, want to fulfill the social and political desire to increasingly build with wood with a high degree of responsibility. The working group initially consists of three experienced specialists in the field of timber construction, who focus on the areas of stability & traffic safety, fire protection and building physics. From 01.03.2022, the working group will be strengthened in terms of personnel in the area of the assessment of plant and animal pests and other chemical, physical or biological impairments.
The contact person and simultaneous head of the “Timber Construction” working group is Dipl.-Ing (FH) Volker Ahnert, a long-time employee of MFPA Leipzig GmbH, who can be reached at 0341/6582151 or v.ahnert@mfpa-leipzig.de. The new working group is additionally supported by all other approx. 120 MFPA colleagues, who are available not only with advice and support, but also with a wide range of testing equipment and many years of testing experience.
We would be pleased to go down the “timber construction road” together with you.

From the groundbreaking ceremony to the topping-out ceremony - Our new fire testing hall
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From the groundbreaking ceremony to the topping-out ceremony - Our new fire testing hall
Already on November 29, 2021, a ceremonial groundbreaking for the construction of the new fire test hall with a three-story office and seminar area took place at our fire test center in Laue near Delitzsch with the participation of high-ranking representatives of the regional development ministry, the district of North Saxony and the city of Delitzsch.
As a company, we will be investing around 4 million euros in this location over the next few months. With the construction, loaded fire tests will be possible in Laue near Delitzsch under conditions that are unique in Europe. The Lord Mayor of Delitzsch, Dr. Manfred Wilde, thanked MFPA Leipzig GmbH for the clear commitment to the location and also wished the executing company Freyler much success, far beyond the upcoming construction phase. One focus of the planned testing activities will be in the area of timber construction and composite construction, but fire protection closures, fire resistant glazing, bulkheading systems and tunnel segments will also be tested with regard to their fire behavior.
On 29.04.2022 we could celebrate the topping-out ceremony of our new fire test hall. In the last few months, a lot of earth has been moved, floor slabs and span slabs have been poured, foundations, columns and roof girders have been erected, and the office section has been constructed from precast elements. Construction work is progressing according to plan, the roof is tight and interior work has begun. The hall will be completed in the summer of 2022, so that the new furnaces can then be erected. We would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone involved for their reliability!
The start of use will be at the end of 2022 / beginning of 2023.

Tests on the fire behavior of floor coverings
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Tests on the fire behavior of floor coverings
From now on, we can also offer floor covering testing according to DIN EN ISO 9239-1 in our DAkkS-accredited laboratory.
At the newly acquired floor covering testing device (Radiant Panel), textile floor coverings, cork, wood, rubber and plastic coverings as well as coatings, for example, can be tested in our fire testing center in Laue with regard to their fire behavior.
As a notified testing and certification body, we are also happy to support you on the way to CE marking.