Environment and water protection - our working group
Further information for interested parties
Environment and water protection, sustainability - a new working group of MFPA Leipzig GmbH
The will to pay more attention to environmental protection and sustainability in the future is not only noticeable politically, but also among many people. At the same time, many requirements are placed on modern buildings. These are to be considered from the planned use just as the building code or legal requirements regarding stability, traffic safety, fire protection, heat, sound and vibration protection as well as protection against harmful influences by water, moisture, plant and animal pests or other chemical, physical or biological impairments.
With the testing of waterproofing products with regard to their effects on groundwater in accordance with building authority specifications and with the external monitoring of factory production control, we offer you the basis for applying for general building authority approval.
For the protection of our waters, we test your coating and sealing systems for catch basins, catch spaces and surfaces made of concrete in LAU plants (in plants for storing, filling and transferring liquids hazardous to water), for coatings on concrete for use in JGS plants and biogas plants as well as for coatings in fuel oil storage facilities.
In this way, we would also like to visibly demonstrate to the outside world that we, as a future-oriented company, want to fulfill the social and political desire to increasingly consider the environmental aspect with a high degree of responsibility.
The contact person and head of the working group is Dipl.-Ing (FH) Dirk Kautetzky, a long-standing employee of MFPA Leipzig GmbH, who can be reached at 0341/6582-188 or kautetzky@mfpa-leipzig.de. The new working group is additionally supported by all other approx. 120 MFPA colleagues, who are not only available with advice and support, but also with diverse testing equipment and many years of testing experience.