Extraordinary projects

Lastenkran in der Prüfhalle mit Blick zur Decke

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Cooperation projects

2 sich Händereichende Geschäftspartner an einem Schreibtisch mit Laptop

Find out more about cooperation with our partners for a wide range of projects here…

Project examples

Stress corrosion examination on bridge structures

In order to assess the current condition of the structure, prestressing steel,…

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2 Betonblöcke auf einem Fundament

Measuring the temperature and hydration heat development of concrete

Web-based long-term measurement (monitoring) of the temperature or hydration…

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Wasserdichtheitsprüfung am Rohrstrang in einer Rohrprüfhalle

Water-tightness testing on the tubing string

As part of the external monitoring service, MFPA Leipzig GmbH carries out…

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Gerät ( Torrent) zur Messung der Permeabilität von Beton an einer Betonstütze gehalten von einem Mann mit Bauhelm und Warnweste

Non-destructive measurement of permeability of concrete

Non-destructive measurement of permeability for the evaluation of concrete…

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Potential field measurement for assessing corrosion processes

Non-destructive potential measurement is used to assess corrosion processes on…

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