Illustration des Baulichen Brandschutzes in Form eines brennenden Hauses mit einer Flamme im Vordergrund
Business divisions

Structural fire protection

Illustration des Baulichen Brandschutzes in Form eines brennenden Hauses mit einer Flamme im Vordergrund
Blick in den Brandprüfofen von Kanälen zum Schutz elektronischer Leitungen

Experimental examination and assessment of building products and methods based on national and European test procedures and classification standards are the key competences of the Constructional Fire Protection division as a recognised and notified testing, monitoring and certification body in line with the State Building Regulations LBO and the EU Construction Products Regulation.

Further unique services offered by the Constructional Fire Protection division include the performance of fire tests on special structures, such as testing tunnel components and container buildings under load on a large scale, and full-scale natural fire testing on building products and methods to determine their fire protection performance.

Personalfoto Dipl.-Ing. Michael Juknat

Dipl.-Ing. Michael Juknat
Head of division

T +49 (0)341 6582-146
F +49 (0)341 6582-197

Our working groups

As a recognised and notified testing, monitoring and certification body for building products in line with the State Building Regulations LBO and the EU Construction Products Regulation, we will test the fire performance of your building products with regard to non-inflammability, low inflammability and normal inflammability according to DIN 4102-1. We also classify your building products in line with the fire performance classes of DIN EN 13501-1. To do so, we determine the heat value and examine non-combustibility, heat and smoke formation, as well as flammability in direct contact with flames, for example. We also examine your roofs concerning their resistance against flying sparks and radiant heat and classify them according to DIN EN 13501-5.

In the area of external monitoring for Ü and CE labelling, we take care of monitoring and certification of building products and in-house production control on your behalf.

Illustration des Fassadenbrandprüfstands

Dipl.-Ing. Michael Juknat
Head of division

T +49 (0)341 6582-146
F +49 (0)341 6582-197

We test the fire resistance of various structure types such as ceilings, walls, suspended ceilings, fire protection cladding, anchoring, fire-resistant glazing and fire protection barriers for you, based on German and European standards. In this context, we provide support concerning the parameters that must be checked in product development, we act as expert appraisers for one-off acceptance, approval procedures and for explaining slight deviations.

Our experience in testing tunnel components under heavy load and exposure to fire, as can occur in the event of a liquid fire, is one of our particular strengths. We cater for all common temperature-time curves, such as the uniform (ETK), hydrocarbon (HC), Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) temperature-time curves or the temperature-time curve according to ZTV-ING and EBA.

In addition, we carry out fire tests in the original mounted state and examine the fire behaviour of building products on or at the surface of external walls, wood façades, thermal insulation systems, glass façades, balcony panelling, membranes, noise protection walls, warehouse goods, railway vehicles and containers – also in multi-storey settings.

Illustration einer Baukonstruktion unter Last während einer Brandprüfung

Dipl.-Ing. Michael Juknat
Head of division

T +49 (0)341 6582-146
F +49 (0)341 6582-197

We test the fire resistance of various structure types such as ceilings, walls, suspended ceilings, fire protection cladding, anchoring, fire-resistant glazing and fire protection barriers for you, based on German and European standards. In this context, we provide support concerning the parameters that must be checked in product development, we act as expert appraisers for one-off acceptance, approval procedures and for explaining slight deviations.

Our experience in testing tunnel components under heavy load and exposure to fire, as can occur in the event of a liquid fire, is one of our particular strengths. We cater for all common temperature-time curves, such as the uniform (ETK), hydrocarbon (HC), Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) temperature-time curves or the temperature-time curve according to ZTV-ING and EBA.

In addition, we carry out fire tests in the original mounted state and examine the fire behaviour of building products on or at the surface of external walls, wood façades, thermal insulation systems, glass façades, balcony panelling, membranes, noise protection walls, warehouse goods, railway vehicles and containers – also in multi-storey settings.

Icon der Arbeitsgruppe Feuerwiderstand von Sonderkonstruktionen aus dem Bereich des Brandschutzes in rot und weiß mit einer Flamme und Bauteilen

Dipl.-Ing. Michael Juknat
Head of division

T +49 (0)341 6582-146
F +49 (0)341 6582-197

Our projects

The expertise and experience of our qualified team enables us to handle a wide range of complex tasks transparently, reliably, expediently and on time.